It’s About the People

BY: Chris Pace

While we’re all focused on finishing 2019 strong, we’re also starting to consider the landscape of 2020.

 So how do we do this?

To be effective we must reflect on our past results, consider our current status, and look forward to the next level of goals and achievements. Consider this:

  • Do you pour over financial recaps, have meetings with your colleagues, and study performance reviews with your superiors? 
  • Do you read leading market indicators and compare your business to the recent trends?
  • Or do you simply wake up and feel good or bad about things in a general sense?

Whatever and however you choose to assess your progress and develop strategies for your next steps, one thing is common for all of us as part of the human species. In 1943   Abraham Maslow published a theory of human motivation that is described in the following short video. He clearly outlines our likely level of progression as he describes his famous Hierarchy of Needs.  Please take the next 5 minutes to view this informative video.  

It seems clear, but I’ll recap:

5 levels of fulfillment within each of us:

  1. Physiological Needs: Food, Water … Simple sustenance.
  • Security Needs: Shelter and Safety… a safe home or a stable job                                                                                    opportunity.
  • Love or Belonging: This is our sense of tribalism and how we exist within a group that accepts us and exhibits our similar preferences or interests.
  • Esteem Needs: This is where we receive our sense of purpose, often how we’re regarded within our tribe and given opportunities to contribute more and receive feedback for our efforts 
  • Self-Realization: The final stage, where an individual has the chance to grow beyond themselves and start to shape the environment for themselves and others

How levels progress     

As Maslow points out, “A need in the Hierarchy of needs only appears when all the lower needs in the Hierarchy are fulfilled”. As an example of how the hierarchy works look at it this way: “you really have no need for security until you have food and water.” Don’t be confused, this is NOT a one-way street. Often, throughout our lives, we will flux between different levels of the Hierarchy depending on environmental factors in our daily business or personal lives. And most importantly, our ability to stabilize within certain levels of the hierarchy is often related to our understanding and acceptance of where we are and WHY.

What does this have to do with 2020?

It is likely that if you’re reading this message, you’re in charge of others which means bringing the team along is a KEY COMPONENT to reaching your own goals. With that understanding, let’s consider how we might better prepare our organization to achieve the progress we anticipate in the coming year.

It starts with a solid self-assessment or personal inventory. Whether you’re assessing your personal goals and status or those of your business and teams, establishing the where’s and why’s of where you are will help you guide your pursuits to the next level.

Assess your team

Where are your different team members along the hierarchy? Are you providing effective incentives and opportunities to your team to help them progress and move up the ladder in the Hierarchy?

Consider your Top Performers… If they’re existing in a high level of Esteem, how might you help them step into Self-Realization and push them and your organization further?

Conversely, what about your Low Performers? Perhaps they’re struggling to meet some of the lower needs in the hierarchy. Maybe their finances are keeping them from feeling part of their tribe or your organization.

As you might tell from the example, there are endless scenarios when considering the entirety of your organization and what might be in the way of progress within your team. While the scenarios could go on and on, I’d simply encourage you to consider basic human needs when setting goals in 2020. Decide how you’ll interact with your tribe or team this year, and most importantly, stay aware of your place among the hierarchy as you drive progress and success in your life and business.

I hope you all take time to consider the nuances in your people because ultimately, their ability to progress is linked to your team’s ability first and foremost.

Have a great week and wishing you all a successful end to 2019. Thanks, as always, for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

Bonus Video:

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Chris Pace

Chris Pace is a seasoned executive leader known for fostering high-performing teams and driving optimized operations in franchised and corporate businesses. A principled leader dedicated to personal excellence, entrepreneurship, and adeptly translating business strategies into daily operations, with a knack for innovative problem-solving. Chris can be contacted at Peak Performance Consulting.

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