Inside the Caffeine Chaos – A Starbucks Story

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
If you are like me, and millions of other people, I enjoy reading posts on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Snapchat, and other social media outlets. Some are informative, educational, and humorous while others can be outright boring. Sometimes you run across a post that strikes a chord in your mind and warrants a response. The following post recently published by Tom Camp, a friend of mine, recently appeared on Facebook. It interests me because I have followed Starbucks, its changes, and its ups and downs for several years. With his permission, I thought I would add some color and background to his post.
Toms Facebook Post
This morning, I was fasting and went for a blood draw. I decided to go to Starbucks on the way home for coffee. That’s when the madness started. I could not get in the drive-thru line because it was lined up out into the main road. I quickly took evasive to avoid being hit and found a parking spot, figured I would just run in and order. I walk in and get in line, the lady in front of me proceeds to order $200 of coffee for her office or whatever, black coffee holders in her hand. The line now is going to the door, people are grumbling, and I take a defensive stand for a possible caffeine riot. I order my coffee quickly, give my name, and move to a table. I sit and I observe. Coffee being loaded up on the counter, people running in grabbing cups from online orders, and leaving without making any eye contact. More people walk in with black trays for office orders, names are being called, people looking through all the cups on the counter, and the barista yells out her approval as a little mermaid song comes on over the speakers. I hear my name and grab my cup and head to my vehicle. I avoid being hit on my way out and make it to the main road!! For a guy that most of the time drinks his coffee before the sun comes up, I ask myself, who has time for this shit!
The Daily Caffeine Fix
As you read this I am sure many of you are shaking your head and saying “Yep, that’s me”. It can be frustrating at times but when you stop to think about it, you have just witnessed one of the most well-oiled machines on the planet at work. I don’t want to bore you with numbers but look at how many times a day this same scenario plays out across the country. Starbucks Coffee has 17,810 stores in North America plus another 20,228 internationally. They plan to grow that 38,038 to over 50,000 by the end of the 2030s.
Is it Organized Chaos?
You bet it is. Think about it. According to Starbucks, there are more than 170,000 ways to customize your favorite beverage. To add more perspective around that number a Starbucks Coffee store serves an average of 476 customers a day. That works out to be more than 600 cups per day. Over 31% of these transactions are mobile orders placed on their app. That amounts to more than 6 million mobile orders and pay transactions being processed each month across their system. That would explain Tom’s observation of people picking up orders with no eye contact with an employee. From a drink popularity standpoint, the Latte is the most popular and comes in almost an infinite number of flavor variations. Personal spending at Starbucks varies by individual but averages between $11.00 and $20.00 per week.
Are There Changes to Come?
Yes. It is unlikely that the Starbucks model or culture will change but the process and how they manage and expand most certainly will. Starbucks is aware of who they are and how they are positioned in their market. They know that their customers have different needs and wants and will not jeopardize their model with risky changes. The footprint of Starbucks stores will change, however, and you will soon begin to see variations in configurations. They will not abandon the current store design but will begin to add other ways to serve their customers. Some stores will be delivered only. You will order using the Starbucks app and DoorDash will deliver to your door. Other variations will include pick-up only and others will be drive-through only. The mobile app will continue to be marketed to expand usage as the preferred order and pay platform. One thing you will not see but will greatly improve the service is a significant investment in new proprietary equipment.
The Result
Many of these changes have roots in the COVID-19 pandemic. The world has changed. The way people now go about their daily lives has been forever altered. They found different ways to shop, socialize, or simply relax over a cup of coffee. Any way you look at it if you are a Starbucks fan you will now have several different ways to enjoy your experience. Starbucks will continue to be your caffeine depo of choice.
About Tom Camp
Tom is the self-employed owner of RED SKY Roofing, LLC in Tucson AZ. Should you need roof repairs or replacement I am sure Tom would be happy to accommodate your needs. You can reach him at 520-405-0825.
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Personally I stay away from Starbucks and patronize locally owned establishments